RoboTech Vision at the press conference for the simulated NASA mission

RoboTech Vision presentation

January 31, 2018  News

A press conference was held at the end of January on the planned eight-month simulated mission to Mars, led by NASA. The mission will take place in Hawaii to simulate the surface of the red planet and will be commanded by the Slovak astrobiologist Dr. Michaela Musilová. The discussion was also attended by RoboTech Vision engineers who prepared a robot called Androver II for the mission.

Field research and sampling

The start of the simulated mission is scheduled for February 15th, 2018 at HI-SEAS station, located near Mauna Loa Volcano. The mission aims to geologically investigate a volcanic environment that is similar to the surface of Mars. The role of Androver II is to help with the research of difficult terrain and the collection of samples. The rover will be remotely controlled by a teleoperator and will record data such as camera images, terrain slope, GPS position or distance of obstacles. The aim is also to test using the algorithm which the robot autonomously follows an astronaut.

“Rover will go into the field to carry out geological research. I plan to collect heavy geological samples there. My goal was to take as many Slovak projects as possible on the mission – scientific, technical and focused on popularisation and education.”

Dr. Michaela Musilová

Chairwoman of SOSA

Author of the post

Dominika Krajčovičová

Marketing manager

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