Androver II visited a nuclear power plant

RoboTech Vision presentation

December 14, 2018  Presentation

The RoboTech Vision team participated in the evaluation of the Mission Mars II competition at the Nuclear Power Plant in Mochovce. Together with astrobiologist Dr. Michaela Musilová and the participant of the simulated mission to the Moon Matej Poliaček from the Slovak Organization for Space Activities, they talked about their work and answered many curious questions from the students.

Inspiration for students

For the third time, Slovak Power Plant Holding, in cooperation with the Slovak Organization for Space Activities, organized a competition for high school and university students. Students can participate in the competition with their proposals for scientific and technical experiments. Its results could be useful for further research into the possibilities of life on Mars. A total of ten teams participated in the competition. The winning proposal was to use hair and pubic hair as a fertilizer for plants on Mars.

In addition to the competition, visitors had the opportunity to hear a presentation by astrobiologist Dr. Michaela Musilová about the search for life on Mars and a presentation by Matej Poliaček, a member of SOSA, about his simulated mission to the Moon at ESA’s Lunares Center in Poland. The third speaker was the RoboTech Vision team, that presented their robotic platform Androver II, which was to be part of the simulated ESA mission. After a lecture and answering the questions, the company demonstrated the robot’s movement in the outdoor area of a nuclear power plant.

Author of the post

Dominika Krajčovičová

Marketing manager

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